blog:Buying Guides Archives | Macnab Transit Sales Corp
What You Should Know About Buying a Used School Bus

Purchasing a used school bus isn't as simple as buying a standard vehicle. It's a unique investment that can either add value to your fleet or cost you more than you bargained for if you're not careful. At Macnab Transit Sales Corp, we understand the complexities of purchasing a used bus, and we're here to […]
6 Advantages Of Purchasing A Used Bus at Macnab Transit Sales Corp

Ingersoll, a charming town steeped in history, beckons the adventurer within. But what if the call extends beyond its borders? Enter the mighty used bus, a blank canvas for exploration and a surprisingly strategic purchase. Here's why a pre-loved behemoth on wheels might be your key to unlocking boundless possibility: 1. From Budget Buster to […]